Monday, October 8, 2007

Introduction to Sea kayaking

A fantastic weekends sea kayaking for Yvonne, Steve and John. With some of the best weather of the year and a fantastic sea state the group enjoyed two days of beautiful sea paddling on Anglesey.

Day one involved a paddle out to Ynys Dulas. Although a healthy distance for the begineers group the crossing to the island was rewarded with loads of seals coming up to the boats. A great time of year for seal spotting as many of the young pups are very inquisative and come up very close to the kayaks. The team enjoyed a relaxing lunch on the island, soaking up the sun before paddling back to moelfre to practice some capsizes and rescues.

Day two and the sky was bright and the sea flat. The group headed to Rhoscolyn to try there hand at some rock hopping (weaving in and out of the rocks close to the cliffs) on the way to Silver bay. After a few collisions with rocks the group started to get the hang of the different strokes required to manouvre the sea kayaks. On route back to the beach the group headed out to Rhoscolyn Beacon to see the seals. On the crossing back Steve and John had a go at rescuing each other after a capsize. Both did well at getting each other back in there boats.

All in all a great weekend with unseasonably good weather.

1 comment:

John said...

Thanks to James for what was a terrific weekend that was enjoyed by us all. It has left Steve and myself wanting to do more Kayaking and we plan to come back and do an intermediate course with James as soon as it is possible for us to arrange.